
Badge engineering blitz

Welcome to the Badge Engineering Quiz! In the ever-evolving world of automobiles, there's a fascinating concept known as "badge engineering." This practice involves taking a vehicle, often produced by one automotive manufacturer, and rebranding it under a different name or badge. The result? Two or more seemingly distinct vehicles that share the same underlying architecture.

How does the quiz work?

Answer the question as quickly and accurately as possible to earn up to 500 points. Questions may include images. Wrong answer equals zero points. No cheating, have fun!

For experts
Game type

Top players

Date Time Points
1. MuscleClutchQueen2 13. January 2024, 15:35 1 minutes, 42 seconds 4000
2. JohnF 23. January 2024, 09:49 1 minutes, 30 seconds 2000
3. TurboRoadsterMonster2 25. January 2024, 18:17 1 minutes, 36 seconds 1990
4. DavidMarekCZ 28. September 2024, 18:19 0 years, 5 months days, 29 hours, 19 minutes and 52 seconds 1500